My Ice Cube Keeper

I chose stuff similar to sawdust like pencil shavings mixed in with wood chips because settlers used it to keep ice through the summer.  I predict that it will stay an ice cube until midnight tonight.

Time Size in mm
10:00 50mm
11:00 50mm
12:00 35mm
1:00 30mm
2:00 0mm
3:00 0mm

After one hour it was still 50 mm, so it’s working very well!  I think it will stay for my prediction.

It actually melted by 2:00, so it didn’t quite work as well as I thought.  In our discussion, I decided that if I were going to do it again, I might use a kind of plastic insulation with the wood shavings in it.  We noticed that the pioneers packed their ice blocks  really tightly and packed the wood shavings in really tightly all around and on top, so that would help too.

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